Outer Banks Gluten Free Baker Blog

Gluten-Free Restaurant Style Stir-Fried Rice

Gluten-Free Restaurant Style Stir-Fried Rice

Gluten-Free Restaurant Style Stir-Fried Rice---

There is something so enticing about stir-fried rice that you order from a Chinese restaurant; the savory rice, the bit of egg, the peas and carrots.

However, one of the first things learned on the celiac journey, is that the FIRST ingredient in soy sauce...is wheat. Like other celiacs or gluten intolerant, in the beginning I gave up soy sauce, and this meant  that I had to forgo many of my favorite Chinese dishes.

Wok or not to wok?? You will have to excuse my wok, I have had it since my days in college. It is really ugly, but really seasoned. If you do any stir frying, it would be good to invest in a round bottomed wok used in most Chinese cooking. If you do not have a wok a skillet is fine. The one advantage to a wok is the sloping sides. 

One of the keys to delicious stir-fry is to have all your ingredients ready to cook and place them near the stove top.

Here is a recipe for Chines style gluten-free fried rice that is super, super easy, and super, super fast!

Let's get starting stir-frying.



  • 2 Boil-in Bag white rice, family size
  • 16 oz. bag of frozen peas and carrots
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup oil (We used olive but peanut oil withstands higher temperatures)
  • 1/8 cup stir-fry oil, we like House of Tsang it has "gluten free" on the bottle 
  • 1/4 cup gluten-free soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper


  • In a medium pot, boil the bags of rice until done, take out and put rice in a bowl to cool.
  • In a small frying pan scramble eggs, and put in a bowl for later use.
  • Open frozen peas and carrots and place in a bowl, set aside to begin thawing.



  • Add the oil and the stir-fry oil to wok and set on medium-high. High heat is the key to keeping vegetables crisp. 
  • When the oil is hot, add peas and carrots and rice.
  • Add salt and pepper.


  • Cook 2 or 3 minutes minutes, stirring constantly. Cook until the veggies are no longer frozen and warm to the touch.
  • Note: We use a wooden flat spoon/spatula. Make sure to scrape the bottom of the wok and push the stir fry in an upward motion toward the top. Make sure to scrape every part of the wok so rice does not stick.
  • When thoroughly mixed, add the scrambled egg---make sure to make sure the egg is chopped into smaller pieces as you stir.
  • As soon as the egg is added, add the gluten-free soy sauce.



  • Mix ingredients, take wok from heat.

Viola! Chinese style stir-fry!


To paraphrase a Chines Proverb:

A (gf) journey of a thousand miles begins with a single (gf) step. 







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